Kamis, 21 Januari 2010

Jewel Orchid (Macodes Petola)

This plant is the Family Orchidaceae, with the genus name Macodes. From Genus macodes there have seven species has spread from Malaysia, Indonesia, New Guinea to Vanuatu. The plant is found at an altitude of 100 to 800 meters above sea level, lowland rain forest some trees and shadows grow in the former plants or wet humus and soil with good absorption.

These orchids are not like other orchids that enjoy the beauty of the flowers but the beauty lies in the jewel orchid leaves motifs. Can be seen that the little green leaves are dark purple, has a longitudinal veins of gold that glowed (inflorescence) and velvet-like surface.
This orchid requires high humidity, up to 50% or more. Media should be moist enough but not too wet because the media would thus be a problem because bacteria and fungi and rot at the root. Bathroom with good air exchange and indirect sunlight is a good combination. If you do not place near a window that can bring moisture from the outside.

Do not allow the media to dry completely, the media needs moist at all times. In connection with the needs of light, make sure that this orchid is not exposed to direct sunlight because it will burn the leaves and Kiaksara orchid is protected by the Indonesian Government Regulation, No. 7 In 1999, On January 27, 1999.

1 komentar:

  1. artikelnya keren2, saya suka blog ini.
    salam kenal
    saya penggemar Alocasia
    boleh saya share foto Alocasia cuprea nya ke blog saya ? (http://planettanaman.blogspot.com), nanti saya sertakan link ke blog ini... (kalau tidak diizinkan tolong beritahu ya, nanti segera saya hapus)
    trims ya salam kenal
